An Association is a not-for-profit organization of owners formed for the purpose of maintaining the common areas. Community leadership is provided by the Board of Directors who take direction from the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
Exhibit A – Legal Description of Real Property
Exhibit B – Plot Plan, Survey and Graphic Description
Exhibit C – Share of Common Expenses, Common Elements and Common Surplus
Exhibit D – Articles of Incorporation
Exhibit F – Rules and Regulations
Mandatory Covenant Compliance Inspection
The Board normally meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Clubhouse at 7:00 pm with exception to December where the Annual Meeting takes place on the 3rd Tuesday. During these meetings they discuss operation of the property. An open forum during these meetings allows property owners and lessees an opportunity to speak about concerns and ideas (limited to 3 minutes). Interested owners can apply for a position on the Board during annual elections which take place in December.
The condominium is a member of the master association (PPOA) who manage the Parkway Blvd roadway.