*** This is an abridged version of the rules and regulations. Refer to governing documents for the full version ***
Download Rules Summarized 201806.pdf
Who to call:
Call 911 for:
- Fire Emergency
- Medical Emergency
- Police Emergency
Call the Sheriff’s Office for:
- Noisy or unruly residents, visitors, or pets
- If your vehicle is broken into or vandalized
- Open flame BBQ burning on the balcony or within ten feet of any building
- People in the fenced pool area after it is closed
- Drugs abuse
Call Duke Energy or an Electrician for:
- Power failure (when no service persons are on property)
- Electrical failure from a non-common element
Call TOHO or a Plumber for:
- No water service (when no service persons are on property)
- Water loss from a non-common element
Call Management during regular business hours for non-emergency situations such as:
- Parking passes needed
- Garbage not picked up
- Vehicle ticketed or towed
- Administrative requests
Call the Emergency number for:
- Water loss from a common element (flood, leaking pipes, roof leak, sewer back up, etc — refer to the following comments)
- Electrical problem from a common element (electrical problem at meter that is not Duke Energy responsibility)
The Association only resolves common element source emergencies. Examples of this would include a roof leak or a leak from a common plumbing supply or drain line. Water leaking from the back of a toilet, under a sink or from the AC unit, for example, is an emergency, but it is not a “common element” emergency. You need to contact a professional after shutting off the water source or AC unit. There is a shut-off valve behind your toilet or under your sink (there is also a main shut off behind the hot water heater). Owners are responsible for the fixture (toilet, faucet, disposal, washing machine hoses, hot water heater, etc) and the point where those fixtures join with the pipes.
If water is coming from above and you are not on the top floor, attempt to contact the person living above you immediately to find out if the leak originates from the unit above. For all floors, keep in mind that many supply lines for a unit run inside the ceiling of the unit. If the source cannot be determined or if it’s a roof leak and the leak is causing significant damage, call the emergency number. Take every possible step to protect your possessions and use buckets to capture water. Roof leaks are typically not repaired during a rainstorm.
Your Association manager can be reached at (321) 677-0010, or at manager@blossomparkvillas.com. The manager is on-site in the clubhouse office Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm on all days. The office is only open for walk-in appointments from 7:00 to 8:00 am and from 1:00 to 2:00 pm daily. Appointments can be arranged for other times.
The Association website is www.blossomparkvillas.com. There is also a FB page @ https://www.facebook.com/BlossomParkVillas.
Drug use or sale is not allowed or tolerated on the property. If you suspect drug activity, report to the Osceola County Drug Hotline at (407) 348-1174. This can be done anonymously.
The Rules and Regulations hereinafter enumerated as to the Condominium Property, the common elements, the limited common elements, the units and the commonly used facilities available for use by the unit owners within the Condominium (the “Condominium) shall apply to and be binding upon all unit owners. The unit owners shall at all times obey these Rules and Regulations and shall use their best efforts to see that they are faithfully observed by their families, guests, invitees, servants, lessees, persons for whom they are responsible and persons over whom they exercise control and supervision. Any waivers, consents or approvals given under these Rules and Regulations by the Board of Directors shall be revocable at any time and shall not be considered as a waiver, consent or approval of identical or similar situations unless such waiver, consent or approval is specifically set forth, in writing, by the Board of Directors.
(a) Violations should be reported, in writing, to the Board of Directors of the Association.
(b) Violations will be called to the attention of the violating unit owner or lessee by the Board of Directors.
(c) Disagreements concerning violations will be presented to and be judged by the Board of Directors who will take appropriate action.
(d) Unit owners are responsible for compliance by their guests or lessees with these Rules and Regulations.
2. FACILITIES: The commonly used facilities available for use by the unit owners within the Condominium are for the use of unit owners, their lessees and their respective family members and guests. No guest of any unit owner shall be permitted to use such commonly used facilities unless accompanied by a unit owner or lessee or unless the guest has been registered with the Board of Directors. Any damage to the buildings or to the common elements or equipment caused by any unit owner, lessee or their respective guests, contractors or invitees, shall be repaired at the expense of the responsible unit owner.
3. NOISE: Unless expressly permitted in writing by the Association, no floor covering shall be installed in the units, other than any carpeting or other floor covering installed by the Developer. In any event, each unit owner shall have the duty of causing there to be placed underneath such floor covering, so as to be between any such floor covering and the concrete slab, generally accepted and approved materials for diminution of noise and sound, so that the flooring shall be adequately sound-proof. Radios, televisions and other instruments which may create noise should be turned down to a minimum volume between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8:00 am. All other unnecessary noises, such as bidding good night to departing guests and slamming doors, between these hours should be avoided.
4. OBSTRUCTIONS: The parking areas, sidewalks, entrances, driveways, passages, patios, balconies, courts, vestibules, stairways, corridors and halls must be kept open and shall not be obstructed in any manner. Rugs or mats must not be placed outside of doors, in corridors or on walkways. No sign, notice or advertisement shall be inscribed or exposed on or at any window or any part of the Condominium, nor shall anything be projected out of any window or door in the Condominium. No radio or television aerial or antenna shall be attached to, or hung from, the exterior of the Condominium or the roofs thereon, except for installations constructed thereon by the Developer and or by agents of the Developer.
5. CHILDREN: Children are not to play in the parking lots, on public walkways or on the stairways. Reasonable supervision must be exercised when children are playing on the grounds.
6. PLAYGROUND: The playground area is open from 8 A.M. until 8 P.M. Unit owners, their lessees and their guests use the playground equipment at their own risk. No glass or bottles are allowed in the play area. No rough play or yelling. No jumping off the sliding board or other equipment. Those under 12 must be supervised by an adult, whereas those 14 years of age and older are prohibited from using the area. Pets are also not permitted in the playground. No smoking in or within 30 feet of the playground area.
7. DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY: Neither unit owners, nor their family members, lessees, contractors, invitees, nor guests shall mark, mar, damage, destroy, deface or engrave any part of the Condominium. Unit owners shall be financially responsible for any such damage.
8. EXTERIOR APPEARANCE: The exterior of the Condominium and all areas appurtenant to the Condominium shall not be painted, decorated or modified by any unit owner in any manner without the prior consent of the Association, which consent may be withheld on purely aesthetic grounds within the sole discretion of the Association. No awnings, window guards, light reflective materials, hurricane or storm shutters, ventilators, fans or air conditioning devices shall be used in or about the Condominium, except as shall have been approved by the Association, which approval may be withheld on purely aesthetic grounds within the sole discretion of the Association. No windows may be tinted without the prior consent of the Association and installation of drapes or curtains visible from the exterior of the Condominium shall have white or off-white, blackout type liners used, which liners must be approved by the Association. No television or other outdoor antenna system or facility shall be erected or maintained within the boundaries of the Condominium, except for installations constructed therein by the Developer and or by agents of the Developer.
9. SIGNS: There shall be no “For Sale” or “For Rent/Lease” signs exhibited, displayed or visible from the interior or the exterior of the Condominium, except for signs displayed by the Developer and or by agents engaged by the Developer.
10. WINDOWS, BALCONIES AND TERRACES: Terraces and balconies are common elements; they DO NOT belong to the unit and they are not private property. The Association grants permission for non-exclusive limited use under very specific rules, terms and conditions.
1. No items may be stored under the stairs. Items placed on the balconies and terraces must be contained within the area identified by “X” in the photo above. An egress zone of minimum 36 inches wide from the door must be maintained at all times. (Fire Marshal NFPA 101,
2. A total of 3 small patio tables and/or chairs are permitted on the balconies and terraces provided that they are of like style and color (stacking patio chairs count as one). For example: 2 non-stacked chairs and one small table or 3 non-stacked chairs and no table.
3. In addition potted plants that do not prevent proper egress are permitted.
4. Any item deemed by the Association to be an eyesore shall be removed upon request.
5. Remove all movable objects from the balconies and terraces during hurricane warnings.
6. No object of any kind shall be hung from the balconies, windows or any other portion of the common property.
7. No object of any kind shall be thrown or allowed to fall from balconies, doors, windows or terraces. This includes cigars, cigarettes, sweepings and any other object. No items shall be shaken from the windows, doors, balconies or on the terraces.
8. No balcony or terrace may be enclosed.
9. Cooking is not permitted on the balconies or terraces.
11. INGRESS AND EGRESS: Garbage cans, laundry, dry cleaning, supplies or other articles shall not be placed in the halls, on walkways or on staircase landings. No unit owner or lessee shall allow entrance doors to remain open for any purpose other than for immediate ingress and egress.
12. STORAGE AREAS: Nothing shall be placed in the storage areas, if any, which would create a fire hazard.
13. BICYCLES: Bicycles must be placed or stored in the designated areas. Bicycles may not be stored on balconies, patios or under the stairways.
14. ATTIRE: Unit owners, their lessees, their family members and guests shall not appear at or use the recreational facilities, except in appropriate attire. No bare feet are allowed in the fitness center, the tennis courts, the playground area, or the clubhouse.
15. PLUMBING: Common water closets and other common plumbing shall not be used for any purposes other than those for which they are constructed, and no sweepings, rubbish, rags, sanitary napkins or other foreign substances shall be thrown therein. Grease and other foreign substances shall not be poured down drains. The cost of any damage resulting from misuse of same shall be borne by the unit owner causing the damage.
16. TRASH: Place trash inside a dumpster or garbage can. Trash cannot be placed or stored on any other portion of the common element including terraces and balconies. Trash placed in a dumpster must be compacted and small items must be secured in a bag. If one dumpster is full use another. Dumpster gates must be closed after use. Residents may not dispose of furniture, mattresses or appliances in the dumpsters or anywhere else on the property. Only the association can place an item in the fenced area that is behind the dumpster west of building 3032.
17. ROOFS: Unit owners (other than the Developer and/or agents of the Developer), their lessees, their family members and guests are not permitted on the roofs for any purpose whatsoever.
18. SOLICITATION: There shall be no solicitation by any person anywhere upon the Condominium Property for any cause, charity, or for any other purpose whatsoever, unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.
19. EMPLOYEES: Except as may otherwise be permitted by the Association, employees of the Association shall not be sent out of the buildings by any unit owner, except in the unit owner’s capacity as an officer or director of the Association, at any time, for any purpose. No unit owner shall direct, supervise or in any manner attempt to assert any control over the employees of the Association.
20. FIRE PROTECTION: Units have internal hard wired smoke detector(s)and a fire alarm buzzer. The buzzer is connected to the local fire alarm found outside the units. This buzzer sounds only when someone pulls the fire alarm outside the units. These are just sounding devices, NONE have a direct connection to the Fire Department. If a smoke detector goes off in case of emergency, pull the fire alarm outside your unit to warn neighbors and call 911 immediately.
If a buzzer is sounding and there is no emergency, notify the front office. If the office is closed, contact the emergency number if the fire department or someone who is on property cannot reset the system. Disabling a fire alarm or activating a fire alarm when there is no emergency are offenses under Chapter 806 of the Florida Statute. Fire doors such as those located in the clubhouse shall only be used in emergency situations.
(a) The fenced pool area is open from 8 A.M. until 10 P.M. No person shall enter this area outside these hours.
(b) There is no lifeguard on duty. Unit owners, lessees and their guests using the pool or spa shall do so at their own risk.
(c) A maximum of 43 persons are allowed in the pool and 5 in the spa.
(d) Diving is prohibited.
(e) Do not swallow the pool or spa water.
(f) Maximum use time of the spa is 15 minutes and maximum temperature is 104 °F.
(g) Animals, glass containers and cooking are prohibited inside the fenced pool area.
(h) No smoking in or within 30 feet of the pool area.
(i) All persons using the pool or spa must be appropriately attired and shower thoroughly before entering the pool or spa. Also, an adult must be in proper bathing attire if the child wishes to enter the water.
(j) Pool safety equipment should be kept in place and shall not be used, except for its intended purpose.
(k) Large inflatable toys and floating furniture are not permitted in the pool.
(m) Running, jumping, skating or any other activity which creates a danger or annoyance in the fenced pool area is prohibited. Bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades are not permitted in the fenced pool area.
(l) Food and beverages are prohibited inside the pool or spa and also cannot be consumed within a 4-foot perimeter of the water’s edge.
(m) Children under fourteen (14) must have adult supervision to be in the pool and children under twelve (12) must have adult supervision to be in the spa.
(n) A child who cannot safely swim may not be brought into the fenced pool area unless accompanied by an adult.
(o) Children who are not toilet trained, whether wearing diapers or not, are prohibited from entering the water.
(p) Pregnant women, small children, people with health problems and people using alcohol, narcotics, or other drugs that cause drowsiness should not use the spa without first consulting with a doctor.
(q) If suntan oil is used, a beach towel must be used to cover the patio furniture.
22. MOTOR VEHICLES: No vehicle belonging to a unit owner, tenant or the guests, family members, employees, servants, visitors, licensees or agents of a unit owner or tenant (hereinafter “owners, tenants and guests”) shall be parked in such a manner as to impede or prevent access to another parking space. All vehicles shall be parked within the painted lines and pulled up close to the bumper. Owners, tenants and guests shall obey the parking regulations posted in the parking areas or right of ways, as well as any other traffic regulations promulgated in the future for the safety, comfort and convenience of the unit owners.
No vehicle repairs, except for emergency repairs, shall be made on the condominium property. Washing and waxing of motor vehicles shall be limited to areas designated by the association for the cleaning of motor vehicles. Vehicles should never be left unattended while located in the car washing area.
Inoperable vehicles shall be immediately removed from the condominium property. For the purposes of this rule, an “inoperable vehicle” shall mean any motor vehicle that cannot be driven for a continuous period of more than 72 hours, whether due to a flat tire, mechanical issues, electrical issues, body damage or for any other reason. This definition shall also include any motor vehicle that is not properly licensed and registered by a state or its appropriate governmental agency.
Unauthorized vehicles and trailers are prohibited from being on condominium property for a period of more than four (4) hours. The term “unauthorized vehicles and trailers” shall be defined to include tractor-trailer trucks, semi-trucks, motor homes, buses, fifth-wheels, RVs, trailers of any type, or a motor vehicle that has a curb weight in excess of 9000 lbs. This provision shall not apply to commercial vehicles of any third party business that is temporarily on condominium property while providing services to the association, a unit owner or his/her tenant which includes moving trucks and cargo trailers that are being used to relocate an owner or tenant.
Owners are eligible to obtain a maximum of two parking decals and one numerically assigned “visitor” parking tag. Parking decals may be revoked and limited to one per unit if need outgrows availability. New decals are to be affixed to the lower driver’s side windshield close to VIN and not over any dark tinted portion of the glass (those affixed in the back remain valid). When used, the visitor tag is to be hung from the rear-view mirror of the guest’s vehicle. Vehicles must display a valid parking decal or a visitor parking tag from “sun down” to “sun up” otherwise they will be towed. Parking enforcement will look under any covered vehicles to confirm a decal or tag is present. Visitor parking tags cannot be used for more than seven consecutive times on a specific vehicle unless prior arrangements are confirmed with the association manager. Residents are to report violations of the 7 day rule to the association manager.
To obtain parking decals and a visitor parking tag, owners or tenants must present to the property manager a completed contact sheet & parking application form, and, if not already on file, a pet registration form, and a unit key. In the case of a rental property, a copy of a valid lease is also required. Motorcycles and scooters parking for more than 7 days must be registered with the front office as described although no decal or tags are required.
23. HURRICANE PREPARATIONS: Each unit owner or lessee who plans to be absent from the Condominium during the hurricane season must prepare the unit prior to departure by designating a responsible firm or individual to care for the unit during the unit owner’s or lessee’s absence in the event that the unit should suffer hurricane damage. The designated firm or individual shall be registered with the Board of Directors and such designated firm or individual shall contact the Board of Directors for permission to install or to remove hurricane shutters. If permission is given by the Board of Directors for the installation of storm shutters, then the approval shall be conditioned upon the Board of Directors also approving the quality of the storm shutters and the aesthetic appearance of the storm shutters. All storm shutters which may be approved by the Board of Directors shall be white in color, and shall be an accordion type storm shutter. Storm shutters shall only be installed during hurricane “watch” and hurricane “warning” situations.
The Board of Directors may, subject to the provisions of Section 718.3026 Florida Statutes, and the approval of a majority of voting interests of the Condominium, install hurricane shutters and may maintain, repair, or replace such approved hurricane shutters, whether on or within common elements, limited common elements, units or Association property. However, where laminated glass or window film architecturally designed to function as hurricane protection which complies with the applicable building code has been installed, the Board of Directors may not install hurricane shutters. The Board of Directors may operate shutters installed pursuant to this Paragraph No. 23 without permission of the unit owners only where such operation is necessary to preserve and protect the Condominium Property and Association property.
The expense of installation, replacement, operation, repair and maintenance of hurricane shutters by the Board of Directors shall constitute a common expense as defined herein and shall be collected as provided in the Declaration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a unit owner who has previously installed hurricane shutters in accordance with this Paragraph No. 23 of laminated glass architecturally designed to function as a hurricane protection which complies with the applicable building code shall receive a credit equal to the pro rata portion of the assessed installation cost assigned to each unit. However, such unit owner shall remain responsible for the pro rata share of expenses for hurricane shutters installed on common elements and association property by the Board of Directors, and shall remain responsible for a pro rata share of the expense of the replacement, operation, repair, and maintenance of such shutters.
24. PEST CONTROL: Unit owners or lessees must control pests within their unit or hire a pest control company if required. They are forbidden to feed wildlife on the property. In addition, unit owners and lessees must permit individuals hired by the Association to enter the unit, when scheduled, to perform pest control services, such as to inspect for termite damage.
(a) The Fitness Center is open for residents only from 8 A.M. until 10 P.M.
(b) No attendant is on duty – use equipment at YOUR OWN RISK, in case of emergency dial 911. Management is not responsible for any injury or accidents that may occur.
(c) Use any equipment only if you are in a proper health condition to do so.
(d) Return weights to rack after use. Do not drop the weights.
(e) Sanitize equipment after use.
(f) Shirts and shoes must be worn all the times.
(g) No sandals or flip-flops. No wet closing, bathing suits or bare feet.
(h) No food, alcohol, glass containers, smoking, gum or horseplay is permitted in fitness facility.
(i) Animals are not allowed in the fitness center.
(j) Persons under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
(k) Loitering is prohibited. Please be watchful of your belongings. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
(l) Follow equipment directions carefully. Report faulty or damaged equipment to management immediately.
(m) Pick up any trash or litter.
(n). Be considerate of others.
(o). Keep Gym doors closed at all times.
26. OUTDOOR COOKING: It is a violation of the fire ordinance to have an open flame within ten feet of any building on the property (Fire Marshal NFPA 1:10.11.7). It is also unlawful to store liquefied petroleum (LP) gas on the balcony or inside a condo. (Fire Marshal NFPA 1: In addition to this, the Association only permits outdoor cooking in the designated cooking areas located by the back pond and near the tennis courts. When using the charcoal grills users must attend to the grill at all times. Water must be available to control and extinguish flames during use. Grills must be fully extinguished with water after use. Clean up the grilling area when complete.
27. TENNIS COURT: The Tennis court is open from 8 A.M. until 10 P.M. Those who use the court must wear tennis or court shoes. Limit play to 2 hours. Those under 13 years of age must be supervised by an adult. No bikes, rollerblades, roller skates, or skateboards, are permitted on the courts. Pets are also not allowed in the fenced court area.
28. COOPERATION WITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: All unit owners and lessees shall cooperate fully with the Board of Directors in effecting a coordinated move-in and move-out schedule for the moving of furniture and furnishings.
29. LEASING OF UNITS: An Application for Occupancy is required for each person over 18 years old. Application is valid for the duration of the lease. Application can be done online or at the clubhouse. Application fee is $100 per person or per married couple. Application fee is non-refundable. All occupants are subject to approval including history of evictions, criminal background and credit check. Association provides substantially uniform lease with an addendum. An addendum is mandatory for all leases. A complete rental package must be submitted for approval prior to moving in. All occupants must check-in with the office prior to moving in. Condominium’s Rules and Regulations must be included as an addendum and an integral part of the residential lease agreement.
The foregoing rules and Regulations are designed to make living for all unit owners pleasant and comfortable and compliance with the foregoing Rules and Regulations is mandatory. The restrictions imposed are for the mutual benefit of all.
III UNITS: No unit may be partitioned or subdivided. Each unit shall be utilized only for residential purposes.
X MAINTENANCE, ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS: It is the responsibility of each unit owner to maintain, repair and replace, plate glass, windows, screens, doors, individual air conditioning and heating systems, hot water heaters, fans, all fixtures and their connections.
The floor and interior walls of any balcony or terrace of a unit shall be kept clean and tidy by the resident (even if the Association also cleans them). Do not paint or otherwise decorate or change the appearance of any exterior portion of the building. Report promptly any defects or need for repairs, which are the responsibility of the Association.
XXVIII PETS: No more than 2 pets weighting in the aggregate not more than 50 pounds or any type of exotic pet or exotic animal shall be kept or harbored within the confines of a Unit. Pets must be hand carried at all times when not within the unit of the pet’s owner. No pet or animal shall be maintained or harbored within a unit that would create a nuisance to any other unit owner or lessee. The Board of Directors determine what is exotic, and what creates a nuisance.
Residents must clean up after their pets. There is an ordinance in the county that requires dogs be leashed and that owners pick up pet feces. If you know who owns a pet that is not in compliance you can call 470-742-8000, option 3 and an officer will be dispatched.
XXX: LEASING OF UNITS: A copy of the lease must be given to the property manager and the county. All leases must be for more than 6 months. It should also be noted that a business license is required to lease.
XVI: ENFORCEMENT: Failure to comply with these rules shall be grounds for action which may include, without limitation, an action to recover sums due for damages, injunctive relief or any combination thereof. In addition to all other remedies, a fine of $100 for each violation may be imposed to an aggregate of $1000.