A Board Meeting will take place online this Tuesday, February 9, 2020, at 7:30 pm EST using ZOOM.
Joining info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87693399344?pwd=M0I2RzZNdzh0RGp0TWxsNUZTWi9VZz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 876 9339 9344
Passcode: 2021
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,87693399344#,,,,,,0#,,2021# US (New York)
No account is required. An internet browser or a mobile app can be a requirement to access the meeting.
Owners who wish to speak will be given a maximum of 3 minutes.
1) Call to order
2) Roll call of Board of Directors and Welcome of Meeting Attendees
3) Approval of Minutes
4) Staffing
5) Frank
6) 3028 Wall
7) Stairs
8) Parking
9) Covid 19 Procedures
10) Smoking Marijuana
11) Fire Building
12) New Business
13) Questions or discussion from the floor